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AY 2013/14

Q1: What modules must we do to complete our LLB course?
A: To graduate, one must complete 36 course units.

University Core Modules (5.0 CUs)

IDIS001          Analytical Skills (0.5 CU) AND

MGMT004      Creative Thinking (0.5 CU)


LAW001         Ethics & Social Responsibility  

MGMT002      Technology & World Change          

OBHR001       Leadership & Teambuilding          

MGMT003      Business, Government & Society


Law Core Modules (18.5 CUs)

Year 1 Law Core modules

LAW101         Contract Law 1     

LAW102         Contract Law 2     

LAW103         Criminal Law (1.5 CU)  

LAW104         Legal Systems, Legal Methods

                        & Analysis                  

LAW105         Law of Torts (1.5 CU)          

LAW106         Legal Research & Writing     


Year 2 Law Core modules

LAW201         Law of Business Organisations   

LAW202         Law of Property (1.5 CU)        

LAW203         Comparative Legal Systems     

LAW204         Constitutional &

                        Administration Law (1.5 CU)

LAW205         Corporate Law                    


Year 3 & 4 Law Core modules*

LAW301         Legal Theory & Philosophy   

LAW302         Commercial Conflict of Laws     

LAW303         Law of Equity & Trusts (1.5 CU)    

LAW304         Law & Regulation†                

LAW305         Economic Analysis of Law†     

LAW307         Law of Evidence     


† Students are only required to clear either LAW304 or LAW305.

* If you are going for exchange in this semester, the module is next available in the semester listed in the brackets

Graduation Requirements

University Core Modules (5.0 CUs)







* Students may have been exempted from 1 General Education module when they matriculated into SMU. If students have already been exempted from GE (Arts), it does not restrict them from taking another GE (Arts) to fulfil the requirement. The same situation applies for GE (Science).


Students can take Law electives if the module is ALSO classified as a GE module. However, students cannot map Law cores (i.e. LAW203, LAW301) to this GE requirement.


† Students can take any module that is offered in the SMU undergraduate course catalogue, INCLUDING Law electives. However, a language module (e.g. ITAL201 Italian) or a module taken overseas cannot be mapped to this requirement of “Any SMU module”.

Financial Accounting

Finance for Law

General Education module*

General Education module

Any SMU module†

Q2: What other requirements must we satisfy to complete our LLB course?
1: Internships

10 weeks of internships, to be completed at a maximum of 5 firms.

Internship reports on OASIS must be done for EVERY firm you have registered on OnTRAC.


Students are reminded of the usual internship procedures, which may be found in the

“[The Bar] Internship Application Reminders (Revised)” email.

2. Community Service Projects (CSP)

80 hours of community service to be completed with a maximum of 3 projects.

1 CSP report must be completed on OASIS for the project which you spent the MOST number of hours on.


Students are reminded of the usual CSP procedures, such as applying for the project on OnTRAC before the project starts.


3. Pro-Bono

A minimum of 20 hours of pro-bono service to be completed. These pro-bono hours will go towards satisfying the required 80 hours of community service.

  • A student can only begin to accumulate pro-bono hours after the completion of Year 1.

  • More hours of pro-bono service may be undertaken to fulfil the 80 hours of CSP, but not less.

  • E.g. Student A does 40 hours of pro-bono service, and 40 hours of regular CSP. Student A has fulfilled the required 80 hours of CSP.

  • E.g. Student B does 10 hours of pro-bono service, and 70 hours of regular CSP. Student B has fulfilled the required 80 hours of CSP.


No pro-bono reports need to be completed.


4. Finishing Touch Workshops (FTW)

All students must complete and pass the FTW workshops. The workshops can be bidded for alike other modules.

FTW101 & FTW102 will be taken as a series, while FTW201 – FTW205 will be taken as another series. FTW100 is a pre-requisite before taking FTW200.


5. Research Papers

All students must complete 4 research papers from Year 2 onwards.

Each semester SOL will assign a few modules to have a research paper requirement.

For the 2013 batch, research papers have been allocated to the following law core modules:


LAW201         Law of Business Organisations        AY 14/15 T1 (Y2 T1)

LAW204         Constitutional & Admin Law             AY 14/15 T2 (Y2 T2)

LAW307         Law of Evidence                                 AY 15/16 T1 (Y3 T1)


For the modules which the requirement is not allocated, instructors are still free to assign students a research paper. Please alert the instructor or SOL to determine if the Research Paper can be mapped to fulfil one of your research paper requirements.


Generally, the SOL requires a research paper to be:

  • Between 2000 – 3000 words, based on a topic or question set by the instructors

  • A student’s individual effort

Year 4 Term 2

Year 1 Term 1 OR Term 2

Year 1 Term 1 OR Term 2

Year 2 Term 1 OR Term 2




Year 1 Term 1

Year 1 Term 2

Year 1 Term 1


Year 1 Term 1

Year 1 Term 2

Year 1 Term 2



Year 2 Term 1

Year 2 Term 1

Year 2 Term 1


Year 2 Term 2

Year 2 Term 2



Year 3 Term 1 (*OR Year 4 Term 1)

Year 3 Term 2 (*OR Year 4 Term 2)

Year 4 Term 2

Year 3/4 Term 1/2

Year 3 Term 2 (*OR Year 4 Term 2)

Year 3 Term 1 (*OR Year 4 Term 1)

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